So, I have decided that I am simply a better, happier person under lockdown. The house is clean. I am eating more healthily. I have socialized, albeit online, more than I usually would. I have a routine that works for me. I am astonished that this is the case, to be honest. I also am aware that a lot of people are not happy in lockdown. But this is a case of life – there are always multiple sides to every story.
I am happy that the people around me, “virtually”, all seem to be holding up really well at the moment. It keeps me upbeat to think of the future… To be able to have a meal with friends again, or to watch a game of football with family. These are things we never imagined possible to take for granted. They were so common, stable and etched into the grains of life that it would seem impossible for them to not exist. Funny how things always work out in a way completely unthought of. When we can again, live life. Live it like never before.
I may even keep my house clean!
