Today is the first day that encompasses a small lift of mobility restrictions. It has taken 8 long weeks to get here and already the traffic on the M50 is bumper to bumper. Already, the sky is cloudy. Already, some people miss the lockdown. For me, it has been a very interesting time and one that like everyone else, I won’t forget. I have had ups and downs. I feel like I will miss it a little bit. It really felt like childhood again in many respects, and not at all what I imagined a pandemic to feel like, in my head. Although it marks the beginning of the end of lockdown, we still have 10 weeks of working from home. Overall, it has ended. The queue’s outside the hardware stores are testament of that. I will miss the quiet, laid back life that I have been fortunate enough to live over the last 8 weeks. I fear I may be forever nostalgic for this time. Either way, this marks the end of my diary, documenting this time. Farewell.
