Today is May Day. For most people now it is more like “MAY DAY, MAY DAY, MAY DAY”!! The lockdown restrictions are having an effect on everyone and their mental health, no question about it. My diary entry last week reflected that. I was feeling down, much like a lot of people. And do you know what? That is OK. It is OK to feel down. It is OK to have bad days. It is OK to be sad, to be fearful of the future and to be worried about loved ones and friends. It feels like we have all been forced to be and think “happy”. Whether it is of videos of people like nurses dancing or others doing marathons in their gardens… Not everyone is like that. In fact, most people are not like that. We are entitled to feel down, if that is how we feel. After all, this is a pandemic. It is not something to be happy about. So, feel how you feel and do not feel guilty over it. Just be. It won’t last forever.
