Sometimes the owner of a vehicle decides to leave it parked for a while. If the goal is to reuse the car in the future there are some tips that may interest you to avoid future problems:

- Parking the car in a garage: this measure prevents the car from being exposed to weather conditions, dust or dirt on the street.
- Cleaning the vehicle: It is recommended to clean the inside of the car in depth to avoid that dirt residues or anything else can decompose and start emitting unpleasant odors or humidity, which will later be more difficult to remove. If the vehicle is not parked in a garage, it is recommended to wash it outside periodically.

- Battery and Tires: the battery must be completely disconnected to ensure that no electrical consumption occurs while the car is idle. It is also recommended to inflate the tires above the recommended pressure, as this will prevent it from deforming when the vehicle is stopped for so long.
- Fuel: The fuel tank must never be left empty or in reserve. Ideally, leave the tank halfway.