Twice in my life, I’ve been to the Imperial War Museum in London and I must say that if you’re interested in history, this is the place for you. I have a particular interest in military history so this museum was incredibly interesting to me. They have any artifacts you could possibly want to see from both world wars and many other conflicts. Artifacts such as guns, jeeps, tanks, planes and uniforms as a few examples. I greatly enjoyed everything the museum had to offer, though there is a wing devoted to the history of the Holocaust and going through it is an experience like no other. This segment does it’s very best to show attendee’s all of the information on the Holocaust that they can and I can only describe it as truly heartbreaking.

Seeing what these people went through and how the were persecuted simply for existing and being Jewish is such a terrifying thought. It’s history and I knew it had all happened but seeing survivors tell their stories, reading and learning more detail, I was left with such a feeling of compassion for what these people endured. Overall though, the museum is a truly interesting place to go and I would suggest it to anyone with an interest in history