A blog on ‘Cobra Kai’ is something I’ve wanted to write for some time now. The best way I can describe this show is that it has no business being as good as it is. What I mean by that is that I love ‘The Karate Kid’ trilogy very much and I wasn’t expecting much out of Cobra Kai upon it’s initial announcement but I was undoubtedly wrong. Three seasons in and the show has proven that a modern day continuation of ‘The Karate Kid’ trilogy can be wildly successful. The show definitely takes an interesting approach in having Johnny Lawrence as the main protagonist as he was the first film’s antagonist. Johnny Lawrence is of course still played by talented actor Billy Zabka but he’s not the only actor to return. Ralph Macchio also reprises his role as the original Karate Kid, Daniel Larusso. These are only two of the returning actors in the show, thankfully there are more and more who will keep the nostalgia and the memories flooding back. The nostalgia for the characters and the films themselves is almost in competition with the amount of 1980’s nostalgia sprinkled throughout the show. In the music, the references and the general attitudes/personalities of characters, this show manages to have 21st century resources but feels like an 80’s experience the whole way through. I highly recommend this show to everyone regardless of them never having seen any of the original films. It’s fantastic in every way and when the fourth season comes out I’ll be ready and waiting