Directed by Philip Doherty ‘Redemption of a Rogue’ is an Irish movie set in West Cavan and my view on it is that it’s a truly great film. The plot is fantastically written and it’s about a man named Jimmy Cullen returning to his home town to face his demons in his father, his brother and any other people he wronged or was wronged by. He’s doing this because he has completely given up on life and is suicidal. With many biblical undertones to the story it makes for a very entertaining watch and that’s not even to mention the casting. The cast is full of magnificent actors such as Aaron Monaghan, Liz Fitzgibbon, Charlie Bonner, Kieran Roche and the list of good actors just keeps going.
Out of all the Irish films that have come out over the years, ‘Redemption of a Rogue’ took me by complete surprise by instantly becoming one of my personal favourites. Right up there with ‘War of the Buttons’ and ‘Michael Collins’. My enjoyment of the movie may have been bolstered by the fact that Charlie Bonner(the actor who portrayed the antagonist) is a friend of mine and I know him to be a nice and generally happy person however in the film his character is intimidating, authoritative and in all honesty terrifying. His character(Harry Gilsenan) was a showcase of great acting as he seemed very realistic in the way that he doesn’t seem out of character for someone who would be abusing of his power yet in real life, Charlie is the exact opposite. This really stood out to me. All in all I would rate this film a solid 10/10. The casting, direction and all else was done to perfection in my opinion and I’d strongly recommend anyone to watch it.