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The Royals in the public eye


People have been blogging about the Royals since before the internet but since the death of Princess Diana, I honestly don’t think the Royal Family has faced more scrutiny than when Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle moved across the Atlantic and left the Royal Family.

Both sides of the split were heavily berated in the media, social or otherwise. The magnum opus of this controversy was last year when Harry and Meghan decided to do an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Some people were up in arms and others were in support of them for leaving the Royals. When it comes down to realism, it was simply a huge controversial event surrounding a thirty-five year old man moving out of his grandmother’s house and that’s what I find so funny about this whole story in the first place.

The Royals have always had the media circling them like vultures but people got very invested in this drama at a level I wasn’t expecting. I say that because I feel in this case, it wasn’t something along the lines of abdication, sudden tragic loss or a big star studded wedding but simply a family dispute. People are entitled to their opinions about the Royal Family as they can be polarizing for many and while being in the public eye is a usual occurrence for them, the fact remains that they’re still people. They have family disagreements too. No matter how rich and how lucky they are with their lot in life, it still affects them when their family problems are made into puns on the front of magazine pages. Not everything they do should be for the public

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